Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks
The track “Towards EVALITA 2016: challenges, methodologies and tasks” within the CLiC-it 2015 conference was devoted to creating a forum for discussion on the future of EVALITA in terms of tasks, collaborations with enterprises, and evaluation methodologies.
This track was seen as a bridge between EVALITA 2014 and EVALITA 2016 so to prepare the ground for the new edition of the campaign, taking into account the hints from the previous edition and widening the involvement of the community by fostering the cooperation among researchers interested in the organization and participation to EVALITA.
Three papers were presented for this track in a session chaired by Viviana Patti on Friday, 4th December:
- Pierpaolo Basile, Valerio Basile, Malvina Nissim and Nicole Novielli. Deep Tweets: from Entity Linking to Sentiment Analysis
- Rachele Sprugnoli, Felice Dell’Orletta, Tommaso Caselli, Simonetta Montemagni and Cristina Bosco. Parsing Events: a New Perspective on Old Challenges
- Anne-Lyse Minard, Manuela Speranza, Rachele Sprugnoli and Tommaso Caselli. FacTA: Evaluation of Event Factuality and Temporal Anchoring
In addition we had the panel “Raising Interest and Collecting Suggestions on the EVALITA Evaluation Campaign” with representatives from industrial companies and research. The invited panelists were: Giuseppe Attardi (University of Pisa), Malvina Nissim (University of Groningen), and Maria Palmerini (Cedat85). The panel was introduced by Rachele Sprugnoli and moderated by Frano Cutugno.
Track Chairs
- Franco Cutugno (Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
- Viviana Patti (Università di Torino)
- Rachele Sprugnoli (DH group-FBK and Università di Trento)