Data distribution
- PoS-Tagging: we require that all participants in the EVALITA 2009 Part of Speech Tagging task accept the terms of a license agreement before receiving training or evaluation data.
For data download, please refer to the following web page:
For any problem please contact: Maria Simi, simi[at] - Parsing: training and test data are covered by a Creative Commons license “Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Italy“.
- TUT data (for Dependency Parsing Main Task and for Constituency Parsing Track) can be downloaded from the dedicated web page. For any problem please contact: Cristina Bosco, bosco[at]
- TANL Dependency annotated corpus (for Dependency Parsing Pilot task) can be downloaded from the dedicated web page. For any problem please contact: Simonetta Montemagni, simonetta.montemagni[at]
- Lexical Substitution: Trial data and Test data can be freely downloaded.
Participants can obtain optionally “ItalWordNet for EVALITA” and “PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS PISA Italian Lexicon for EVALITA” from ELDA (Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency) by contacting Ms Valerie Mapelli at mapelli[at], who will inform you on the licensing and delivery procedure. - Entity Recognition: I-CAB is freely available for research purposes upon acceptance of a license agreement.
- Textual Entailment:
- The test data are now available.
- The development set is available on the Textutal Entailment page.
- The full Italian RTE Corpus (with gold test data).
- Connected Digits Recognition: Data are freely available and no fee will be required. Contact: Roberto Gretter, gretter[at]
- Test data are now available.
- Training data consist in 5348 sentences, 17505 digits; development data consist in 515 sentences, 3569 digits.
- Dialogue System Evaluation: Training data are downloadable. Contact: Francesco Cutugno, cutugno[at]
- Speaker Identity Verification:
- Application task: All participants in the EVALITA 2009 “Application” track of the SIV task can receive development and test data by contacting directly the speech tasks coordinator: Mauro Falcone, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (FUB) falcone[at] tel +39 0654803352, fax +39 0654804405
- Forensic task: All participants in the EVALITA 2009 Speaker Identity Verification task can receive development and test data by contacting directly the organizer: Luciano Romito, Università della Calabria luciano.romito[at] Phone: 0984-494097, fax: 0984494114, mobile: 3388434124