Accepted Papers

This page lists all papers accepted to EVALITA2020, also availble in the CEUR Proceedings.
Each paper is provided with the link to the proceedings and a video presentation by the authors (when available).

The proceedings are published by aAccademia as well, and are available here:

EVALITA 2020: Overview of the 7th Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian
Valerio Basile, Danilo Croce, Maria Di Maro, Lucia C. Passaro

Track “Affect, Hate, and Stance”

AMI: Automatic Misogyny Identification

ATE_ABSITA: Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

HaSpeeDe: Hate Speech Detection

SardiStance: Stance Detection

Track “Creativity and Style”

CHANGE-IT: Style Transfer

TAG-it: Topic, Age and Gender Prediction

Track “Semantics and Multimodality”

DANKMEMES: Multimodal Artefacts Recognition

CONcreTEXT: Concreteness in Context

Ghigliottin-AI: Evaluating Artificial Players for the Language Game “La Ghigliottina”

PRELEARN: Prerequisite Relation Learning

Track “Time and Diachrony”

DaDoEval: Dating Documents

DIACR-Ita: Diachronic Lexical Semantics

Track “New Challenges in Long-standing Tasks”

AcCompl-it: Acceptability & Complexity evaluation

KIPoS: Part-of-speech Tagging on Spoken Language

Published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, ISSN 1613-0073)