
EVALITA provides a shared framework for the evaluation of different systems and approaches on separate tasks, all for Italian. For the 2018 edition tasks are organized along the following tracks:

Affect, Creativity and Style

    • ABSITA – Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (V. Basile, P. Basile, D. Croce, M. Polignano)
    • ITAMoji – Italian Emoji Prediction (F. Barbieri, F. Ronzano, F. Chiusaroli, E.W. Pamungkas, V. Patti)
    • IronITA – Irony Detection in Twitter (A. Cignarella, S. Frenda, C. Bosco, V. Patti, P. Rosso)
    • GxG – Cross-Genre Gender Prediction (F. Dell’Orletta, M. Nissim)

Dialogue Systems

    • iLISTEN – itaLIan Speech acT labEliNg (N. Novielli, P. Basile)
    • IDIAL – Italian DIALogue systems evaluation (F. Cutugno, A. Origlia, M. di Maro, C. Tortora, B. Magnini, M. Guerini, S. Falcone)

Hate Speech

    • AMI – Automatic Misogyny Identification (M. Anzovino, E. Fersini, P. Rosso)
    • HaSpeeDe – Hate Speech Detection (C. Bosco, F. Dell’Orletta, M. Sanguinetti, F. Poletto,  M. Stranisci, M. Tesconi)


    • NLP4FUN – Solving language games (P. Basile. M. de Gemmis, G. Semeraro, L. Siciliani)
    • SUGAR – Spoken Utterances Guiding chef’s Assistant Robots (F. Cutugno, M. Di Maro, A. Origlia, C. Tortora)

Note that the task web pages will be updated continually, so please make sure to check them from time to time.